The higher your avatar rendering cost is the more lag you will experience and others around you. To better enjoy our show and to aid in reducing the lag in the theater please lower your Avatar Rendering Cost (ARC).
You can check your level and that of others by going to your ADVANCED menu - RENDERING - INFO DISPLAY - AVATAR RENDERING COST.
A number will appear above your head and everyone else around you. If your number is yellow or green you have a low and preferred ARC. If your number is in the orange or red your ARC is high.
PLEASE NOTE: You will be asked to leave if you are in the RED.
You can reduce your ARC by removing very primmy or high script attachments like jewelry. You can also wear a low prim hair and low prim clothing. Basically, the more prims and scripts you're wearing the higher your ARC will be.
So please help us all enjoy a lag free performance by complying. Thank you! :)